
Songkran Celebration for the Elderly

It’s that time of the year again that all Thais look forward to – the Songkran Festival (traditional Thai New Year) – and this year we held the event “Songkran for the Elderly People in The Slum”. Khru Prateep and staff invited members of our elderly residents’ group to join this event on 11 April to enjoy traditional Thai dances with representatives of DPF sponsor, KPMG Phoomchai Ltd. led by CEO Mr. Charoen Pusamritlert. At the end of the event, Prof. Sant Hathirat and Khru Prateep had the enjoyable task of presenting prizes to the winners of singing contests, including 5 prizes for the DPF elder members aged 90 years and over.
To conclude the event, Khru Prateep and staff also delivered Survival gifts and adult diapers to bed-ridden people in the community.

Posted by : Admin_M  | 11 APR 2567  | Views : 34